Postdoctoral Mentoring Program

Postdoctoral scholars (postdocs) are essential to the research at Iowa State University. Following a multi-year postdoc “alumni” survey, a gap was identified between available resources to help postdocs and the allowability for these postdocs to utilize these opportunities. The most consistent issue the survey identified was mentors failing to give postdocs the freedom to expand their skill sets through career development and training, professional development and networking, and balancing their personal and work lives.

The Graduate College has developed a Postdoctoral Mentoring Program that will award a certificate of completion to postdocs and the employees who supervise them and who complete the following tasks:

The Graduate College will collect this information monthly using a Qualtrics survey. The postdoc and PI should both keep records of the professional development and monthly check-in details for the duration of the program.

Examples of ways for a postdoc to complete their 2 professional opportunities per month include, but are not limited to, participating in opportunities from the following programs:

Following 9 months of sustained mentoring and documentation that all requirements of the program have been met between August and May, the Graduate College will award the certificate of completion to the postdoc and their mentor. This credential may be used by both parties for job applications, postdoc recruitment, annual reviews, grant applications, promotion and tenure, and other applicable opportunities.

Based on the ISU Postdoc Alumni Survey, taking the time to mentor postdocs and providing them with opportunities for career preparation (training, collaboration, networking) and work-life balance can substantially impact the satisfaction levels reported by postdocs, in addition to their overall success following the completion of their appointment.

Additionally, mentors and mentees will be invited to join respective communities allowing them to share their best practices for mentoring, resources, feedback, and networking. These communities will each meet once per semester. Then, in May of each year, groups who completed the program will be invited to a recognition event that is part of a larger postdoctoral recognition event.